Our deck at Capone's. We stayed on an extra day, played again at Kergano's, and spent time exploring the town. I went for a run in the afternoon and did about 10 km to check out the back streets...

Living up to it's name, our hotel- specifically Morgan's room- featured the Murder Tub.
A drive-by shooting in the digital age. Moose Jaw still has plenty of cool signs, and we stopped to admire and document a few of them...
The first great thrift store adventure of the Tour! A wild, wild, Peavy head, and...
A war time Gibson. Nice, eh?
On the road. We're on our way to Nokomis, SK today...
Hey, we've arrived! An interesting drive across the flatlands. Smoke overhead as farmers burn off some of the stubble. Kind of a toast smell in the air. Birds overhead on this major flightway. Every hotel for miles around is filled with duck and goose hunters- but we're lucky. My friend Tanya is able to get us a couple of rooms at her downtown, Nokomis Hotel...
After dinner Morgan and I play some songs for the hunters. They buy the scotch, we play the tunes. It's pretty casual, and a short night as these fellas need to be up at 5:AM!!
Our pals Little Miss Higgens and Foy dropped by the Hotel to visit with us and catch up on the crazy lives we all lead. They did Europe with k.d. lang last year, so plenty of adventures to relate from both sides of the table. We don't get to visit enough! We do get invited over for breakfast- so it's early to bed and early to rise. We play Saskatoon tomorrow night and are very much looking forward to it.
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